Clacton: Woman hurt in runaway trailer crash
By James Dwan
A woman was taken to hospital after a runaway trailer was in a collision with a car on a busy road.
The passenger in the four-wheel-drive Suzuki Wagon suffered injuries to her neck and back, as well as breathing problems, after it was in a collision with the trailer of an Iveco van in Clacton.
Police, ambulance crews and firefighters were called to the accident in London Road.
The street was closed for more than 45 minutes amid fears that cylinders in the van, being used by road resurfacers, could explode.
A spokesman for Clacton fire station said the woman passenger, in her mid-50s, suffered slight injuries to her chest from the seatbelt.
The spokesman believed the trailer had become unhooked from the van and veered into the path of the oncoming vehicle.
Anyone with information about the incident, at 11.40am yesterday, should call PC Darren Lee at Stanway road policing unit on 01206 762512.
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