Letter: Something should be done about crashes
My brother died Aug. 4, 2005, because a northern Wisconsin motorcycle business didn't properly hook up its enclosed trailer when it was hauling a three-wheeler. Well, it went through his windshield, killing him, leaving behind a wife and two little boys.
Toyota has a recall because at least 40 people died in 10 years, and yet 400 people died in one year the same way my brother did and nobody knows it!
How many families have to go through the pain that my family is still feeling? Please go to www.dangeroustrailers.org and take a look at all the people who have died. Can't something be done?
Donna Moser
Wisconsin Rapids ChapterT1 wrote:
Your loss was very sudden and very tragic.
I feel the Spirit of the Lord urging me to let you know that He loves you, your brother, your brother's family and everyone. God is patient, not wanting any to leave this life just to enter an eternal hell, God wants you in heaven with him precious people.
If this happened to you or one of your loved ones, do you know with 100% certainty where you or they will be when this precious life has ended? We ALL have sinned and need forgiveness to enter the gates of heaven.
Jesus shed his blood for the forgiveness of ALL who would accept it. Its not yours unless you take it. You must choose heaven. Can anyone really say they don't want to enter heaven one day? Who is offered free food and walks away from it. Or free drink? Yet many are passing on the free gift of heaven -
We cannot prevent all accidents and untimely deaths, but we can ALL be reunited one day.
Confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior with your WHOLE heart today!
3/23/2010 5:55:12 AM
I feel the Spirit of the Lord urging me to let you know that He loves you, your brother, your brother's family and everyone. God is patient, not wanting any to leave this life just to enter an eternal hell, God wants you in heaven with him precious people.
If this happened to you or one of your loved ones, do you know with 100% certainty where you or they will be when this precious life has ended? We ALL have sinned and need forgiveness to enter the gates of heaven.
Jesus shed his blood for the forgiveness of ALL who would accept it. Its not yours unless you take it. You must choose heaven. Can anyone really say they don't want to enter heaven one day? Who is offered free food and walks away from it. Or free drink? Yet many are passing on the free gift of heaven -
We cannot prevent all accidents and untimely deaths, but we can ALL be reunited one day.
Confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior with your WHOLE heart today!
3/23/2010 5:55:12 AM
DMoser26 wrote:
My brother was not following behind the trailer! He was going north and they were going south, the ball was too small and the chains were rusty and the air break was not hooked up. The trailer hit him head on, he had no chance to react, no good byes and no I love yous!! Most cases it is not that someone is following too close, they never seen it coming (your dead). My brother sold trailer parts for a living and really knew his stuff!! The weekend before he was killed he told my brother-in-law that he better make sure his trailer was hooked up right and pulled up on it three time! Ron thank you for all your hard work, we love you for that!!!
3/22/2010 9:42:49 AM
3/22/2010 9:42:49 AM
jmreiff wrote:
I am so sorry to learn of your tragic loss.As an experienced defective trailer and product liability lawyer since 1979,I am very much aware of a dramatic increase in the number of catastrophic injuries and fatalities which occur as a result of minimal regulation and construction and design defects with regard to trailers.We have noted that many trailers under the GVWR of 3000lbs are not subject to safety regulations which generally is an invitation to senseless injuries and deaths of otherwise innocent vitims.In the many cases that we have investigated,we have found many obvious safety regulations with regard to braking systems and design,lighting ,hitching and inspection requirements.I agree with consumer advocate Ron Melancon,one of the unsung heroes of consumer safety who emphasizes that manufacturers will continue to place an emphasis on profitability rather than consumer safety unless they are taken to task by responsible lawmakers.Jeffrey M. Reiff www.reiffandbily.com
3/22/2010 9:12:43 AM
I am so sorry to learn of your tragic loss.As an experienced defective trailer and product liability lawyer since 1979,I am very much aware of a dramatic increase in the number of catastrophic injuries and fatalities which occur as a result of minimal regulation and construction and design defects with regard to trailers.We have noted that many trailers under the GVWR of 3000lbs are not subject to safety regulations which generally is an invitation to senseless injuries and deaths of otherwise innocent vitims.In the many cases that we have investigated,we have found many obvious safety regulations with regard to braking systems and design,lighting ,hitching and inspection requirements.I agree with consumer advocate Ron Melancon,one of the unsung heroes of consumer safety who emphasizes that manufacturers will continue to place an emphasis on profitability rather than consumer safety unless they are taken to task by responsible lawmakers.Jeffrey M. Reiff www.reiffandbily.com
3/22/2010 9:12:43 AM
Hamguy wrote:
This is surely a tragic story. It is sad when anyone dies on our roads, for whatever reason. There is a general failure on the part of all drivers that the roads are not safeways but are full of potential danger; there are risks when we take to the road. While it may be fair to say that legislation might help reduce incidents involving trailers and new laws will probably have an effect for the good, we need to be more alert when traveling near vehicles pulling trailers. Keeping our distance when following a trailer will improve safety. We often forget that we should keep at least 10 feet behind for every ten miles per hour. This tends to provide a cushion when something in front of us goes awry. Lets push for more highway safety but be sure our own driving habits are consistent with the safety rules already on the books.
3/21/2010 8:21:22 AM
3/21/2010 8:21:22 AM
RonMelancon wrote:
We have even recoreded 9 police officers, 2 Fireman and 1 FBI agent...along with his son killed by the same manner that took the life of John Lottier...
Ziegler was in his patrol car heading south on U.S. 67 on the morning of Sept. 29, 2001, when a utility trailer broke loose from a northbound sport utility vehicle. The trailer slammed into Ziegler's car. The 32-year-old officer died the following day at St. John's Mercy Medical Center in St. Louis.
Before he ever became a road deputy, while still a jailer for Sheriff Dan Bullock, Ziegler was given the nickname "Chachi." It came from a character on the old television series "Happy Days" and stuck with him after he became a road officer.
Ziegler was the father of four children. His wife and children became the first in our county to benefit from the recently formed St. Francois County chapter of the Backstoppers.
Go to http://www.dangeroustrailers.org/Police_Officers_Killed.html
And still NOTHING is done!
3/20/2010 10:33:38 AM
Ziegler was in his patrol car heading south on U.S. 67 on the morning of Sept. 29, 2001, when a utility trailer broke loose from a northbound sport utility vehicle. The trailer slammed into Ziegler's car. The 32-year-old officer died the following day at St. John's Mercy Medical Center in St. Louis.
Before he ever became a road deputy, while still a jailer for Sheriff Dan Bullock, Ziegler was given the nickname "Chachi." It came from a character on the old television series "Happy Days" and stuck with him after he became a road officer.
Ziegler was the father of four children. His wife and children became the first in our county to benefit from the recently formed St. Francois County chapter of the Backstoppers.
Go to http://www.dangeroustrailers.org/Police_Officers_Killed.html
And still NOTHING is done!
3/20/2010 10:33:38 AM
RonMelancon wrote:
Please note that our Organization has introduced New legislation in Virginia this year. It is Senate Bill 646...
Go to Virginia General Assembly then under the Capitol click Legislative Information Systems then go to bills and resolutions and in the box type SB646.
The reason we have not done a press release on this...or posted the results on our web site is we do NOT want to give the industry a Head Up...so they can try to lobby to stop it.
It passed the House of Delegates 99-0 UNCONTESTED... It passed the Senate 40-0 UNCONTESTED it has been signed by the President of the Senate...Lt. Governor Bill Boling... and it was signed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates. It is awaiting to be sigend by our New Governor Bob McDonnell.
It is our understanding that no matter how much the Utility Trailer Industry is willing to stop this....they will not be able to . We will Keep this paper aware of the progress of this. Virginia is the First and Only State so far to enact.
3/20/2010 8:39:47 AM
Go to Virginia General Assembly then under the Capitol click Legislative Information Systems then go to bills and resolutions and in the box type SB646.
The reason we have not done a press release on this...or posted the results on our web site is we do NOT want to give the industry a Head Up...so they can try to lobby to stop it.
It passed the House of Delegates 99-0 UNCONTESTED... It passed the Senate 40-0 UNCONTESTED it has been signed by the President of the Senate...Lt. Governor Bill Boling... and it was signed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates. It is awaiting to be sigend by our New Governor Bob McDonnell.
It is our understanding that no matter how much the Utility Trailer Industry is willing to stop this....they will not be able to . We will Keep this paper aware of the progress of this. Virginia is the First and Only State so far to enact.
3/20/2010 8:39:47 AM
RonMelancon wrote:
This letter is a courageous example of a person willing to contact me when she discovered I had covered her brothers death. I did not contact this person many years ago as it is not my place to do so. Please understand that we do not wish to bring additional pain and suffering to any familiy that sufferes the same type of accident.
The facts are the facts...we do not emblish the facts. Please go to our web site and see for yourself....NO STANDARDS ARE IN PLACE FOR ANY TRAILER JUST ONE pound under 3,000 GVWR. No training is required unlike driving a motorcycle.
The insurance industry has figured out that it is still cheaper to pay a $10,000,000 claim then address this issue. They have paid off familes that want to come forward yet need the funds for themselves. The issue is as more familes remain silent to this type of accidents then "others" are going to pay the price.
Why for the past 7 years they have ignored our cause? WHY? How many more need to loose thier lives?
3/20/2010 8:19:53 AM
The facts are the facts...we do not emblish the facts. Please go to our web site and see for yourself....NO STANDARDS ARE IN PLACE FOR ANY TRAILER JUST ONE pound under 3,000 GVWR. No training is required unlike driving a motorcycle.
The insurance industry has figured out that it is still cheaper to pay a $10,000,000 claim then address this issue. They have paid off familes that want to come forward yet need the funds for themselves. The issue is as more familes remain silent to this type of accidents then "others" are going to pay the price.
Why for the past 7 years they have ignored our cause? WHY? How many more need to loose thier lives?
3/20/2010 8:19:53 AM
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